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Grassy LeDio LED spotlights may be made in Japan but that doesn't stop us from being able to use the Edison incandescent base in our own sockets In fact, our Japanese contributor Taka Kamata is expecting to receive these lamps in a few flavors today, including the brand new 21 watt all blue lamp, and we thought we'd go ahead and introduce#Grassy Ledio RX122 #ダッチアクアリウム #水草レイアウト水槽立ち上げ中の60㎝ワイド水槽に照明を設置しました!太陽光に近い波長のGrassy Ledio RX122#海水魚 #海水魚水槽 #サンゴ水槽 #マリンアクアリウムLED Grassy LeDio RX122(グラッシーレディオ)を買いました!!メタハラ と比較してみたんです
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Each Grassy Ledio RX122 costs ¥17,000 or around $150 which includes the bluetooth dongle and seems like a pretty good value considering it now comes with wireless control Volx Japan s bluetooth led spotlight grassy ledioGrassy LeDio RS122 FreshUV ベタを入れている45cm水槽の照明はテクニカインバーターライト60をつるして使っていますが、このたび蛍光管が寿命を迎えたのを機会に器具ごと替えることにしました。 というのは建前で、ただLEDスポット照明をつかってみたかった Grassy LeDio is offering their new RX121s spotlights in silver and matte black colors for 13,800¥ or around $1 while the bluetooth dongle is sold separately for 3,040¥ which equates to around $26 s grassy ledio Grassy LeDio RX121s LED spotlight rx121s led spotlight volx japan Jake Adams
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